MFRPN: | |
ITEM: | O-J18TC-L |
Price: $16.31 EA
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Detailed Description
Why JBC PVC injection molded cones? JBC PVC injection molded cone is one piece design, superior durability & superior flexibility compared to “flow molded cone” resulting a more durable cone that will stand up to the challenges of adverse or road conditions. JBC’s technological advancements allow us to manufacture a cone competitive priced, but superior in color and materials. The result is a more cost efficient, consistent product without variances in weight, size and color. The brilliant fluorescent orange color throughout is visible from and angle, day and night. Our unique designed base provides excellent traction on the road and allows ease of stacking. The cones will not stick together; they’ll firmly grip the road and won’t easily be blown over. If the cone is hit, the base joint will stand up to abuse, due to its superior material used.